City of Refuge

Houston, Texas -

Phone: 7136645033

Located south of downtown Houston, near the Texas Medical Center and several universities, City of Refuge is an active, growing Christian congregation with a focus of blending people of all ages, ethnicities, regional, educational, and economic backgrounds into a church united in worshiping, learning, loving, and serving. The racial composition of the church: 40% people of African descent, 40% people of European descent, and 20% Asian, Hispanic, and Biracial, roughly reflects that of the immediate neighborhood. Occupations are approximately 20% Business, 15% Professional, 25% Trades, 10% Stay-at-home parent, 5% Retired, and 25% Students. The staff of four full time and one part time ministers to the neighborhood as well as to church members living farther away. Our mission is to take all people on the journey of following and becoming more like Jesus Christ.