New Life Christian Church

Chantilly, Virginia -

Phone: 703-222-8836

About New Life and the nZone 


New Life Christian Church ( is one church in three locations. Two physical locations in Northern Virginia plus our online camps. We make disciples who make disciples who plant churches that plant churches. How do we do that? Well, we are all about, creating fun, safe environments where people discover God. No stuffy tie here. But what really sets us apart from other churches? Probably our values and how they led us to build a sports complex. But before we talk about the nZone, here are our values:

  • Safety: From guaranteeing the safety of children to ensuring a safe place to ask questions, New Life works hard to be a shelter in the storm of life. No perfect people are allowed at New Life. Come regardless of your hurts, habits and hang-ups. We’re a place full of messed up people.
  • Risk: God values people who take risks for His kingdom. Why lead a boring life when you can live a dangerous one? We can help you dream big and live dangerously.
  • Honor: We honor God by giving our best to people.
  • Next Steps: Our spiritual journey never ends. Whether you’ve never set foot in a church or you are a “spiritual giant,” you have a next step to take closer to God. We want to help you discover, develop and take your next steps.
  • Fun: We break barriers down by laughing at ourselves but taking God seriously. I mean really, if you haven’t figured out by now that we have a sense of humor, we’re probably not the right place for you.

Those values led us to build a huge community sports complex ( You've gotta learn more about that to understand New Life. Give us a call.