University Christian Church

Fort Worth, Texas -

Phone: 8179266631

Experience God’s Love.
Carry God’s Love.

Vision: Transforming the world by living out Christ's courageous love.

Mission: Seek the Sacred | Commit to Love | Empower to Serve

At University Christian Church, we believe whoever you are, you are valuable, worthy of love, and already part of what God’s doing in the world. Here, we strive to be people with open minds and loving hearts — a place where all are welcome. And yes, all really does mean all. No hidden agendas or litmus tests. We are members of the Disciples of Christ denomination, and as such, we claim “no creed but Christ.” As a congregation, we work together to help heal the world we’re in, remaining comfortable with life’s hard questions but uncomfortable with any easy answers.

When you join us, we hope you’ll find:

  • A brave space where it’s okay to be vulnerable
  • Friends curious enough to listen to your story
  • A community compassionate enough to walk with you through whatever you’re facing

If this sounds like what you need, we’d love to meet you! Come and join us as we experience God’s love and learn to carry that love with us wherever we go.